the Foundation
The Pietà de’ Turchini Centre for Early Music was founded as a non-profit association in 1997 to give birth to a project aiming at the enhancement and interdisciplinary research of the Neapolitan musical and theatrical heritage of the 16th-18th centuries and its influence on the contemporary European music production. As of 2010, the non-profit association has been transformed into a Foundation, with the purpose to increasingly become a hub of artistic aggregation, of productive exchange between musicians, ensembles, scholars, researchers all sharing the common purpose to defend the positive and cultured image of the city of Naples throughout the world.
The activities of the Foundations’s Centro di Musica Antica are oriented in multiple directions: from the production and diffusion of live musical performances (whether in stage or concert form) to the highly qualified training of young musicians and singers, through masterclasses, courses and workshops; from scientific research to publishing, from international baroque singing competitions to projects intended for the musical education of children…
“I returned in the afternoon to the Franciscan church in Naples: […] the entire Conservatory of the Pietà, made up of one hundred and twenty children in blue uniform, attended. […] These musical seminars which in other times have formed so many excellent masters, today seem to have degenerated; but such institutions, as indeed everything that exists, are subject to intermittence. The day will come when, after having rested, they will awaken like Vesuvius near them and perhaps with new vigor … ”
Charles Burney, Musical Journey to Italy, 1770.

Season 2023/24 Frequenze Inaudite
via Santa Caterina da Siena 38, Napoli
Riviera di Chiaia 254, Napoli